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Best of Pentax Forums Newsletter October 11, 2023
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Comment of the Week:
Posted by Hattifnatt on Do you take photos twice: first with your heart, then camera? The Best of PF Poll
The next shot was also planned. At first, I noticed the dim light at the end of the stairs, and for some reason I envisioned a woman's silhouette with a hat walking up the stairs. So I did a few test shots to get the exposure and the framing right, and then waited. And waited, And waited. A lot of people went up the stairs, some were women, but no hat. Eventually went home and came next day at the same hour, so the stalking resumed. Ironically, few meters towards the right was a a hat store. But still, my silhouette would not how up. I was too invested at this point to let this slip away, so I kept waiting, occasionally photographing other people as they passed by. It was only the third day that she finally walked in, I couldn't believe my eyes as she passed by me heading for the stairs. Some would say that my photographic will was bending space and time to bring her there, but as a geophysicist working with statistics all the time, I knew it was nothing of the sort. It was just a matter of time that it would happen, and I was just very lucky to happen sooner rather than later.